Ezra 7:1-16
One of the interesting things about the rebuilding of Jerusalem is this - God used people that weren't "His" to make this possible. Gentile kings and leaders, they allowed the Jewish people to return and rebuild. The kings supported, helped and encouraged. They told them to do and supported them in it. Yet, they weren't "God's people." They were Gentiles.
To me, this shows that God can and will use anyone. Sometimes when the church is resistant to doing what God would have us to do, God will use other means. God will use whoever, and whatever He has to in accomplishing His will. We need to always be careful to make sure we are trying to do God's will, not assuming that our will is God's will. God's will is going to be accomplished. May we be part of it.
New Testament Lesson
Revelation 14:1-13
Blessed is those that die in the Lord. Revelation reminds us of that. One of the lessons we learn from Revelation is this - God wins. And there is a reward for those that are faithful to God, that serve and love Him, that seek to do His will and seek to grow in grace. God sees His people, He loves His people, and He has rest for His people. Don't grow weary. Don't grow tired. There is rest for those that love God and are called for Him. There is rest.
Gospel Lesson
Matthew 14:1-12
Herod did a lot of things that were wrong. Lots of things that weren't good. Lots of problem. But, we see in this story perhaps his greatest downfall. Pride. He knew the beheading of John the Baptist was wrong. He knew he shouldn't. But, he had committed himself and he was too prideful to back down. It's the pride that goeth before the fall. May we remember the dangers of pride.
New Testament Lesson
Revelation 14:1-13
Blessed is those that die in the Lord. Revelation reminds us of that. One of the lessons we learn from Revelation is this - God wins. And there is a reward for those that are faithful to God, that serve and love Him, that seek to do His will and seek to grow in grace. God sees His people, He loves His people, and He has rest for His people. Don't grow weary. Don't grow tired. There is rest for those that love God and are called for Him. There is rest.
Gospel Lesson
Matthew 14:1-12
Herod did a lot of things that were wrong. Lots of things that weren't good. Lots of problem. But, we see in this story perhaps his greatest downfall. Pride. He knew the beheading of John the Baptist was wrong. He knew he shouldn't. But, he had committed himself and he was too prideful to back down. It's the pride that goeth before the fall. May we remember the dangers of pride.
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