Thursday, March 15, 2007

Lent: Thursday, March 15, 2007

Old Testament Lesson

Jeremiah 10:11-24

We see the Lord telling the people that they will be punished because they have worshiped false gods, they have had idols and placed them before God. And, sometimes we think, well, what does that have to do with me. I don't have a golden calf on top of my TV, what do I have to worry about with idolatry.

Well, maybe you don't have a false idol in your house, but how many of us this morning attend a church that had worship last night, and we did not go? How many of us will not be in church this Sunday for whatever reason? How many of us are too busy to pray? How many of us are too busy to read the Word? How many of us place everything else in all of creation ahead of God?

Maybe we don't worship golden calves, but if we place other things ahead of God, then we are doing the same thing.

New Testament Lesson

Romans 5:12-21

Paul tells us again that salvation comes not through the law, but through the grace of God. Our hope, our salvation come through Him, and come through what He has done for us. Just as through Adam, all of us are born into sin, so through Christ, all that born again can have the hope of salvation and life.

The concept of original sin is one that we don't hear much about, but particularly for those of us that are influenced by John Wesley, ti is a very important concept. He considered it one of three key doctrines of the church. They were, original sin, justification (conversion) by faith, and holiness of heart and life (seeking through God's grace to live more for Him each day). For original sin is passed down from generation to generation. Augustine put it this way (a paraphrase of him), you do not teach a child to do wrong, you teach a child to do right. We all know how to do things that are wrong, we must be taught to do what is right.

And, ultimately, we can only do right through the grace of God, given to us by the work of Christ. Thought Adam, we are all born into sin, through Christ, we can be reborn into life.

Gospel Lesson

John 8:21-32

If you continue in Him, you are His. If you come to Him, and cling to Him, you are His. It is not just enough to think that Jesus was a swell fellow. It is not just enough to think He had some neat things to say. It is not just enough to think highly of Him. You must cling to Him. You must continue in Him and His grace. You must walk with Him. You must make Him your own.

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