Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ordinary Time: Thursday, September 6, 2007

Old Testament Lesson

1 Kings 11:1-13

We see here the results of what happened when Solomon turned from the Lord. All that his father worked for, and all that he worked for during his lifetime, these will now be taken from his family. Because of his choices and because of being led away, he turned from what he knew was right. Because he allowed others to lead him to things that he knew was wrong, his kingdom would eventually be taken from his family. Even though he knew better, even though the Lord appeared to him, he still chose wrong.

By God's grace may we watch our choices.

New Testament Lesson

James 3:13-4:12

We see here that we should let God's wisdom be our guide in life. We should seek to live by the things that He wants us to do, and in doing that, we will serve Him and each other. Loving God and each other (neighbor) that is ultimately God for us and for our lives. We are called to serve our God with all that we are, and likewise, serve each other. Living by God's wisdom shows us that, shows us how to live and how to serve.

Living by our wisdom will lead us to serve only ourselves. Living by God's will cause us to serve God, and each other.

Gospel Lesson

Mark 15:12-21

We see here, in spite of being innocent, in spite of doing nothing wrong, in spite on only doing good; Jesus is led to the cross. And, He is led in silence. There is that old spiritual song that I often think of when I read this story:

They led Him to Pilate’s bar
Not a word, not a word, not a word, not a word
They led Him to Pilate’s bar
Not a word, not a word, not a word, not a word
They led Him to Pilate’s bar
But He never said a mumblin’ word
Not a word, not a word, not a word, not a word

They all cried, “Crucify Him”…

They nailed Him to the tree…

They pierced Him in the side…

He hung His head and died…

Wasn’t that a pity and a shame…

He did this simply because He loved us. May we be thankful today for all He has done for us.

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