Thursday, December 22, 2005

Fourth Week in Advent: Thursday

Old Testament Lesson

2 Samuel 7:18-29

In the previous passage the Lord tells David that instead of David building a house for Him, He will build a house for David. He says that David’s throne will last forever. Now, David responds to this great news from God, and the only way he can really respond is to be amazed. He asks God, is this how you always deal with man? Do we have that same response when God blesses us? Or do we expect God to bless us? Have we grown so used to good things from God that we no longer even pause to thank Him for it? The Bible says that every good and precious gift come from above (James 1:17). Do we thank Him for every good and precious gift, or are we like spoiled children that expect blessings with no sign of thanksgiving to the one that gives so freely. David says in the blessing of his house, he will bless the Lord. That is what the Lord blesses us for, that we can use what we have to bless His name to for the good of others. David says that as his house is blessed, people will look upon it and bless the Lord for his faithfulness. We are called to in all that we do give glory and praise to God. If we have received a blessing, we are to use that blessing for good. We are to bless God with all that we have, and use that blessing to help God’s people.

New Testament Lesson

Galatians 3:1-14

In this passage Paul rebukes the Galatians for thinking that what they have has come through their keeping of the Jewish law. Paul tells them that their salvation comes through faith, not through the law. It is through faith they were saved, it was through faith that Abraham was made righteous, and the true children of Abraham are those that believe in through faith. But about after Abraham had faith, what did he do? He obeyed, and followed God. Faith is the beginning point. We can’t be good enough to earn our salvation. We can’t clean up enough. So many folks say, we’ll I’ll just get my life right, and then I’ll come to church. That is backwards. We come to God broken and messy, and He cleans us up, He restores us, He saves us. This is through nothing we have done. But, those that are faithful will then keep his commandments. We are not called to just have faith and have no evidence of that faith in our lives. Jesus said those that love me are those that obey my commands. If we have faith in Him, if we have been saved by Him and though His grace, that same grace will give us the power to live for Him. The same Holy Spirit that saves us will be the same one that will transform us and enable to live holy lives. And what is the holy, obedient life that God calls us to? That we love the Lord our God will all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and we love our neighbor as we love ourselves. This is the law for the Christian. We must first come in faith. For it is through faith we are saved. But, those that then know the power of God, through His spirit will live lives of holy faithfulness.

Gospel Lesson

Luke 1: 39-56

John the Baptist is born, and everyone rejoices for Elizabeth had been barren. How sweet is it to rejoice with your friends and family when the Lord blesses them. How sweet is the joy that comes at the birth of a niece or nephew, at the salvation of friend, a victory for a teammate? We are called to share in the joys of those that we love, for through Christ, we are all connected. We are to weep when others weep and have joy when others have joy. Elizabeth gives birth, and her friends and family are as joyful as she is. May that be our testimony when God’s grace is made known in the lives of those that we love; may we rejoice in God’s blessing. After the child is born and named John the community says, surely the Lord must have something for this child. So, is it for everyone born. God has a purpose for every life, something that only they can do. John’s purpose was something special and amazing. So is yours. What has God called us to? What has God called us to do that specific for us? He has something for us before we were in born; the prophet Jeremiah says that in the womb, God had a plan for him and for each of us as well. We are precious in the Lord’s sight. Are we seeking His will for our lives? We are each a precious creation of God, fearfully and wonderfully made. May you find what he has for each of us, and may we know His grace in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. After reading the comments on Luke all I can say is Amen !! and thanks for the encouragement.
