Monday, January 30, 2006

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany: Monday, January 30, 2006

Old Testament Lesson

Genesis 19:1-29

There are certain passages of scripture that are easier to deal with than others. Most of those easier passages seem to come from the New Testament. In the Old Testament, we see things like Sodom and Gomorrah. This is a disturbing passage. I don't know where to start. First, Lott's a good guy, but when they come looking for the angels to have sex with them, he offers them his daughters (?!?). I know he was fearful and I know it was a different time, but still, as the father of a daughter, that bothers me greatly. Also, it is a tough image to see God destroy these towns, in spite of their sin. I take two things from this passage. First, as in a lot of the Old Testament, God's promises aren't based on the goodness of humans, but rather upon His word. Now, if Lott would have stayed, he would have been destroyed, and we see what happened to his wife. But, they were not saved because they were perfect, but because God had given His promises. We not saved because we are perfect, but because of God's grace and mercy given to us.

Second, as much as God is a god of Love, He is also a god that will bring judgement. Sodom and Gomorrah had turned from Him and suffered the result. The Word says that He will punish His children to bring them back. As much as we love the mercy of God, we must not forget His holiness and one day, He will judge.

New Testament Lesson

Hebrews 11:1-12

In Hebrews, we see our response to God's promise: Faith. It is by faith we are justified and by faith we are saved. That faith should and must prompt us to a holy life, but it must start with faith. Notice in the text, the faith of each person caused them to do something. They didn't just have faith and do nothing; they had faith and it brought forth a holy life. But, notice the text does not commend these saints first for their action, but for their faith, that faith then showed its fruit in action towards God. It starts with faith. That is where everything must begin. Our actions are not good enough. Only faith. But, then faith, if it is truly alive, will lead us to live the type of life that God wills for His children.

Gospel Lesson

John 6:27-40

Jesus said, this is work of God, believe in Him, the one that God sent. Too often we feel like if we are just good enough. If we just go to church enough or do these things enough. No, it isn't about that. You can't be good enough. That is why Jesus came, to set us free. You can be free from sin. You are freed from the law of works! You live by grace! We live by faith! It isn't about what we do; it is about what God had done for us through Jesus. We can live by grace and faith. We don't have to carry a burden on out backs. We can be free from this. This faith and believe will produce life, but we can be free. You don't have to stay in your chains, in your guilt, or in your legalism. You can be free to live by grace. As Paul tells the Galatians, it is for freedom you have been set free. Do you live in God's freedom today, or are you still bound in your chains? He had called us to live free through grace and through faith.

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