Friday, December 8, 2006

Advent: Friday, December 8, 2006

Old Testament Lesson

Isaiah 3:8-15

We see here the Lord reminding us that He will judge the wicked for their sin. And look at what of the judgements He states against the people today:

It is you who have devoured the vineyard;
the spoil of the poor is in your houses.
What do you mean by crushing my people,
by grinding the face of the poor? says the Lord
God of hosts.

How we treat others matters. How we treat the least among us matters. How we treat those that have less than we do matters. It is not just enough for us to pray, it is not just enough for us to read the word. It must impact ours, it must change the way that we live, it must change the way that treat those that are less fortunate than we are.

As we draw close to Christmas, are your eyes focused only upon yourself, and your wants? Or do you take time think about, and act on behalf of the poor, the needy, the distressed? Today, God stands in judgement against His people because they did not. Today, may we not receive the same judgement.

New Testament Lesson

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

We are to live lives of self control and discipline. We are not to live according the desires of the flesh, but rather the will of God. We are not live only the way that we want, but rather, the way that God wants. We are not to do only what we want, but rather what God wants. For our will and and our way leads to death. God's will and God's way leads to life. Today, which way will you choose?

Gospel Lesson

Luke 20:41-21:4

We see Jesus remind us today that we must be careful that our religion is not just for other people to see. What is important is how close we are to God, not how close others think that we are to God. If our religious acts are done only so that other people can be impressed by how holy we are, that is not good.

We do not need to be concerned about how much other people think we are holy, we need to be concerned about how much God thinks we are holy. If your religion is done only for others to see, then in that you have your reward. Be very careful to make yourself appear more holy than you really are. We are all just sinners saved by grace, and it is God that deserves any praise from the good in our lives, not us.

And this echoes the Old Testament passage. He attacks their outward only religion, and He attacks how they mistreat the poor and those that are in need, particularly the widow. And then, He shows them that this mistreated widow is actually more holy than they are, for she gave from all that she had.

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