Thursday, December 21, 2006

Advent: Thursday, December 21, 2006

Old Testament Lesson

Isaiah 9:18-10:4

We see here that the people have turned away from God and have turned on each other. That is part of what we see in life. In the times in life when we are in discord with family and friends, the times in life when we are fighting against one another, these are problem the times when we are not at peace with God.

Jesus tells us if we have ought with our brother, take our offering from the alter and go make it right with them. Sometimes, though, we have to make things right with God before we can make it right with them. The people of Israel were at war with one another because they were not at peace with God. They would go through the motions of faithfulness to God, but they were not truly faithful. It was not until they were at peace with God they could be at peace with one another.

Today, is there someone you not at peace with? Today, are you at peace with God. Prayerfully consider in your life how these two are connected.

New Testament Lesson

2 Peter 2:10b-16

We see in this passage the danger of giving into the flesh. We will become like depraved animals, never having enough. The flesh cannot be satisfied. It cannot be satisfied with food, with sex, with money, with power. The flesh always wants more and more and more. The flesh only wants to see its desires fulfilled, and yet at the end of the day, the flesh is always empty for it can never be satisfied.

But, when we live by God's grace and God's law, we see that why we might not get what we "want," we will be satisfied. We will have the things we need most for life, love, grace, mercy, and peace. Today, will you choose to live by the ways of the flesh and be eternally hungry? Or will you live by the ways of God and be eternally satisfied?

Gospel Lesson

Matthew 3:1-12

We see John tell the ones coming today that they should come not just for baptism, but they should come with repentance and a desire to live a holy life for God. In John Wesley's day, people would mistake their infant baptism for salvation, and they would tell him they were baptized as an infant, to which Wesley would reply, do not tell me of your baptism, tell me of your conversion.

Most, if not all of us have been baptized. Some, like my children, were baptized as infants. Others as adults. However, do not mistake baptism for salvation. Baptism is about God marking us as His very own, a child of the New Covenant, someone He died to save. We still must accept that baptism as our own, we must accept that offer of salvation as our own.

Today, you can tell me of your baptism, but also, tell me of your conversion.

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