Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Advent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Old Testament Lesson

Isaiah 5:13-25

We see the Lord's judgement come against His people. We see that it was tough, that it was harsh, and that it was painful. Why did it come? Because they departed from His will and His way. They were not who He called them to be. And, because of their sin, they faced judgement.

How much pain do we bring upon ourselves because we are not faithful? How much pain do we cause ourselves and those that we love because we do not live in the way God calls us to. Thought obedience to Him, we find freedom. To obedience to ourselves we find pain an loss. Today, may we find the grace to obey God and follow where He leads.

New Testament Lesson

1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

We see that we are admonish the weak and those that are idle, those that are not doing what they should be. But, Paul tells us that we should be patient with them. We should be loving, not vengeful or wrathful. We should speak to those that are in sin in love. Why? Because has not our God been patient with us while we were in sin, and even now, when such sin exists in our lives.

How can we be patient? How can we be loving and caring in such a might way? The Word tell us, pray without ceasing. Without prayer, we cannot do these things.

Gospel Lesson

Luke 21:29-38a

Be on guard, be in prayer, look up, so that your heart is not weighed down by the stuff of life: drunkenness, sin, and yes, worry. This is an issue, like most, where I am speaking to myself above all else. Do not worry about this life, do not worry about what shall be, do not worry about these concerns. Place your faith in God, place your obedience in God, place your hope in God. And, He will not put that hope away.

Do not allow your soul to be weighted down, but allow it to be free and sour as God would have it to. Allow it to be free and mount up on wings like eagles. Today, may we not be weighted down, today, may we live.

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