Thursday, April 5, 2007

Maundy Thursday: April 5, 2007

This is Maundy or Holy Thursday. This is the Thursday of Holy Week, the week before Easter, and this is the day where we remember the betrayal of Jesus and remember the institution of the sacrament of Holy Communion. Many churches have services tonight, and if you are in the Preston, MS area, we would invite you to our Maundy Thursday service here at Coy UMC at 7:00 PM.

Old Testament Lesson

Jeremiah 20:7-11

We see here in this passage what looks like defeat can be the path to victory. Tonight, we remember the betrayal of Jesus. We remember the cross. We remember His abandonment, His pain, His tears, His precious blood. It looks to us from the outside as defeat and the end.

But, and the creed reminds us, it was "For us and for our salvation." It was needful and necessary. But, it does not make it nice, it does not make it pretty. Before we rush to church Sunday for the empty grave, let us pause to remember the bloody cross.

New Testament Lesson

1 Corinthians 10:14-17, 11:27-32

We remember not just the cross today, we remember the meal of the church. Tonight, He told us, this is my body, this is my blood. Take and eat, take and drink. He told us that He is the bread of Heaven, He is life. Through this meal, we receive grace, through this meal, we are welcomed to His table, through this table we find life. Thought this meal the reality and presence of Jesus is made know and made real to our hearts. Wesley thought that receiving communion was the greatest privilege and command of the Christian. May we know what a great gift we have been given.

Gospel Lesson

John 17

Today, in this passage, before He is betrayed, our Lord prays for us. If you don't think someone is praying for you, read this passage. Jesus prayed for you, and for all that believe today. He prayed that we may be one. He prayed that we may know eternal life, which is knowing God the Father through Jesus the Son. He prayed that we would be protected. Today, Jesus prayed for you. Today, Jesus gave you His body and blood. Today, Jesus was betrayed not because of what He had done, because of what you and I had done. Today, remember these things.

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