Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Advent; Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Old Testament Lesson

Zechariah 3:1-10

There is a description of Satan seen in the Bible, "the accuser of the brethren." We see it here as well, where Satan accuses Joshua of sin. But, we see as well what happens with that accusation. It cannot stand against God's grace and the one that had received God's grace.

We all hear that little whisper in the back of minds. . . .you're not good enough. . . look at what you've done. . . . how could God use you? . . . forgive you. . . . restore you?

Remember that just the activity of the accuser of the brethren. Remember, those accusations cannot overcome God's grace. Remember that through His grace, you are loved, redeemed, and forgiven. Remember through that grace you can by used by God in ways that you could never even imagine. Don't listen to the voice of the accuser saying that you can't. Listen the voice of God saying you can.

New Testament Lesson

Revelation 4:1-8

We see here one of the main messages of Revelation. God is Holy. God is other. God is worthy of praise. That is the one concept that keeps coming back again, again, and again. God is Holy. That defines everything in Revelation. God is Holy.

Gospel Lesson

Matthew 24:45-51

Jesus encourages us to in this day, be at work for whatever it is that the Lord has called you to. Be at work in that. Be at work in your calling, bet at work in His grace, be at work in who He has made you to be. Be faithful today!

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