Today, the rare Friday post!
Old Testament LessonIsaiah 55:3-9The Lord once again tells His people that if they will turn to Him now, all this can be restored. Things may not be as they were before, but they can restored to wholeness. They can know what it is like to be forgiven and brought back home.
That's how it can be for us sometimes too. Sometimes we wonder if we've gone to far away. Sometimes our faithfulness wains. Sometimes our prayers are lacking. Sometimes we can feel like we've lost our way.
The Lord says return, come back home. You can know grace, mercy and peace. You can find your way again. No matter where we are, or who we think that we are, always know that God's grace is there, even in that moment.
New Testament LessonColossians 3:1-17In this passage we see what that renewal just promised look like. It will be a turning away from all those things that kept us from God, and a turning to all the things that bring us closer to God. As we return to God, we find that we are not as angry. We aren't as tempted to slander or gossip. Our language changes, our demeanor changes, in short, who we are changes.
We look to build up, not tear down. Instead of seeing the worst in each other, we can see God's grace. We learn that His grace is greater than any problem we may have with someone, and instead of slandering or becoming angry with each other, we pull together.
We find life, and not life to comes from within ourselves, but life that comes only through God's grace. We find hope and mercy and peace. All through God. All in Hid grace. Today, may we be renewed in His grace.
Gospel LessonJohn 14:6-14Todays passages all lead together so well. What does the renewal look like? The New Testament shows us that. How do we get that renewal? The Gospel shows us. Only through Jesus. He is way, the truth, and the life. Only through Him, and through His grace, can we know mercy and life and hope.
Today, my prayer for each of us is this. That we know that abundant life that comes only through the grace of Jesus Christ, and that we life in the newness of life today, and each day!