Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ascension of the Lord: Thursday, May 1, 2008

Old Testament Lesson

Daniel 7:9-14

We see here in the prophet Daniel seeing that which is to come. We see him seeing the Lord seeing in judgement. That's one of the things that it is easy for us to do is forget that today is not the first day that God has spoken, today is not the first day that the Lord has given visions.  He has given visions to men and women throughout all ages. Some, like Daniel's are recorded in Holy Scripture.  Others, like Wesley, or Calvin, or Augustine, are recorded for us to read. 

Other's like our parents, grandparents, teachers, and preachers; the are preserved in our memory.  But, let us never forget what God has spoken in the past.  Let us also remember that God speaks today. 

New Testament Lesson

Hebrews 2:5-18

He has been tested as we are tested. So, whenever we face temptation, whenever we face struggle, He is there. Remember that in this moment, He understands our weakness, understands our frailty, understands our need for Him. And in that moment when we need Him He is always there.  

And because He has been where we are, struggled as we do, He can help us overcome this temptations!  Through Him, and through His power, He will give us grace in our moments of need. That's His power.  When we need Him, He is always there.  

Gospel Lesson

Matthew 28:16-20

Remember, he is with us always.  He will never leave, nor forsake us. Remember, now, in this moment, wherever you are. Wherever you read this. . . . God is with you.  He is with you now.  He has never left you, not will He ever. In this moment, in this place, at this time.  He is here.  

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