Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ordinary Time: Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Old Testament Lesson

Jonah 1:17-2:10

We've all been in bad places before, I'm sure. But I'm sure not too many of us have been in the belly of a big fish before. So, we can take heart, that even in this moment of dread, when Jonah turned to God, God responded. When Jonah came to the realization that in spite of all he had done and how he had run, his only hope at that point was to turn to God, and God responded.

God always hears the prayers of those that are in need. God always hears the prayers of those that are in the belly of the whale. God always come to the rescue of those that turn to Him. Today, no matter where we are in our walk with Him, let us remember that when we turn to Him, He will be there.

New Testament Lesson

Acts 27:9-26

Paul was told they would make it to their destination, but not without some tough times. God promises to be with us and to lead us to where we need to be. But, He does not promise us that the sailing will always be smooth. Paul knew that he was there for a great purpose and that God would see that purpose through. He relied upon God, trusted in Him, and God saw him through.

Today, in the storms of life, may we have the confidence that God will see us through, and help us arrive at the place He has called us to.

Gospel Lesson

Luke 9:1-17

When we went to Israel over the past Christmas, we got to see many of the villages that the 12 would have gone into and did ministry. They were all close to each other, all throughout Galilee. There was easy access, there was ways to get to each of them. And Jesus deployed the 12 in a way that would ensure that all that were in need would have a chance to be healed.

But, these villages were not big at all. They certainly were not Jerusalem. They were simple outposts, stuck out away from everything. And it was here that Jesus did most of His ministry. For He knew that every person was precious, every soul was of great worth, everything deserved love, no matter who they were, or where they lived.

The folks in the small towns of Galilee were precious to God, as are the folks in the small towns in Mississippi or where ever you are reading this. And so are the folks in the large towns and cities. We are all precious to God. For He created each of us.

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