Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ordinary Time: Thursday, November 13, 2008

Old Testament Lesson

The Lord restores.  That is the hope of so many of the prophets.  The bad times will not last forever.  It will not always be as it is now.  The Lord restores.  The Lord restores hope and peace and life. The dark days will not last forever, the sun will come out again, tears will cease.   Whatever you are going through right now, the Lord is with you, and even the darkest moments, remember, there will be peace again.  

New Testament Lesson

I love the book of James.  There are so many passages in this book that mean so much to me, that have inspired me, that have been a foundation of my life and faith. Today, this passage has several of those, but I'll reflect quickly on just one. 

If any of us lack wisdom, let us ask God.  I love that passage.  There is no shame in not knowing everything.  There is no shame in having all the answers. There is no shame in having all wisdom. Whatever we lack, let us turn to God, and He will give us what we need.  When we turn to God, He will grant us His wisdom, His knowledge, His grace.  

In our own weakness, let us turn to God.  

Gospel Lesson

In the story of the prodigal son, the most amazing thing to me is the father. When the wayward son returns home, the father doesn't make him grovel, instead when the father sees the son returning home, he runs to meet the son.  We have a God that runs to us. When we make one step towards Him, He will run to us. The minute we turn to God, He will run to save. 

Let us rejoice in that we serve a God that doesn't just meet us halfway, He meets us where we are.  

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