Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Advent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Today is what I used to call "Christmas Eve Eve" as a child.  I hope you have a great one!

Old Testament Lesson

We see in this passage part of what God wants for his people.  He wants the remnant to be restored, He wants His people to be as one.  He wants petty jealously, minor disagreements to be done away with.  He wants His people, He wants His Church to be one.  As we gather together for Christmas, though we may gather in different churches of different denominations, let us remember that we gather around the same Lord. 

And in a world that is so desperately crying out for grace and hope, wouldn't He want us to be one?  

New Testament Lesson

There is that great verse in this passage: "See I am making all things new."  God is always at work, always making things new, always working for good, for His plan, for His people.  He will make all things new. 

With this day. This a new day.  The failures of yesterday are gone. Today is a new day. Breathe the breath like you've never breathed it before. Today is a new and glorious day.  May we live it fully.  May we live it for God. 

Gospel Lesson

We see that God's plan involves everyone.  The old and the young, those that have had many children, those that are barren. God's plan involves everyone, God has a plan for everyone.  And for you.  Today, in this day, God has a plan for you.  Just for you.  His plan for you is not His plan for me.  Each is different, each is unique.  Each is from God. Today, God has a plan for you. 

Live in that plan, and in that grace

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