Friday, June 9, 2006

Pentecost: Friday, June 9, 2006

Gospel Lesson

Matthew 14:22-36

Poor Peter. Bless his heart, he got out of the boat, and his faith wasn't strong enough and he began to sink. We sometimes feel sorry for Peter because of this; he was so weak faith. But, at least he got out of the boat. The others stayed in. The others stayed where it was safe, the stayed where there was no danger. But, they weren't with Jesus.

Peter may have failed, but at least he got out of the boat. He took a chance. He was unafraid to go where Jesus was. He was willing to try and be faithful. He was willing to follow Jesus.

And notice, he didn't drown. Jesus saved him. Jesus pulled him out of the water and brought him to safety.

Today, It is easy to look at Peter and think he had so little faith. But, at least he took a chance for Jesus. Today, are you going to stay in the boat? Or today, will you take a chance for Jesus? Will you get out of the boat and follow Jesus even if you don't know where He is going or where He may take you. If you go where He wants, He will take care of you.

Today are you going to stay in the boat? Or will you get out of the boat and follow Jesus?

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