Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Easter: Wednesay, April 2, 2008

Old Testament Lesson

Exodus 15:22-16:10

In the day before this passage, the people saw God deliver them from the Egyptians. They saw His power and His strength. The saw what He could do and who He was. Now, a few moments later. they begin to doubt and complain. They had already forgotten what God had done and did not think about what God could do.

Today, instead of complaining about things in life that we don't like or can't control, let us remember what God has done,and let us place our faith in Him in every situation in life.

New Testament Lesson

1 Peter 2:1-10

Just as in building, you need that good foundation, that good cornerstone. So is it life. We need the good foundation of Christ. He is the cornerstone, He is the living stone, He is the one that everything in our lives should and must be built upon. If life is built upon Him, then there will be life. If it is built around anything else, we are set up for a fall. Today, may we build upon Christ.

Gospel Lesson

John 15:1-11

Just as the branches must stay connected to the vine to grow and have life, so must we stay connected to Jesus to have and know true life. We stay connect through prayer. Through scripture. Through worship. Through service. Through communion. John Wesley called these things means of grace. They are the things that we do through which we receive grace. Today, let us stay connected to the vine of life in all that we do. For only through Him do we find true life.

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