Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Old Testament Lesson

Jeremiah 3:6-18

See the thing with God is this. Even at our lowest moments, even at the time when we have drifted furthest away, He still longs for us to return. He still longs for His people to return to Him and will do all possible to give us that chance. He won't overrule our free will. But, He will give us moment after moment, chance after chance, all this, to return to Him.

Because He loves us. And He longs to know us and see us free and joyful, in service to HIm and each other.

New Testament Lesson

Romans 1:28-2:11

Romans reminds us that our sins have consequences. And perhaps the greatest consequence of sin is the damage it does to our own souls. The damage it does to us. The hurt it causes to us. The pain it causes to those that we love.

As I said in my sermon Sunday, I think God's response to our sin is not anger. It's heartbreak.

Gospel Lesson

John 5:1-18

Those that were in opposition to Jesus were more worried about that exact letter of the Law that they missed the chance to do good. That is what God desires for us, and for the church. That we do good. That we make the world a better place. That we are a means of grace and mercy to those most in need of grace and mercy. That we do all that we can to help the most amount of people. They missed that chance. May we not.

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