Sunday, August 5, 2007

Ordinary Time: Monday, August 6, 2007

Old Testament Lesson

2 Samuel 7:1-17

We read the Lord tell David that He will establish David's kingdom forever. For Christians, we see this fulfilled in Christ's kingdom for He is a "Son of David" a descendant of David, and His kingdom shall have no end.

So, we see even here in this moment that the Lord has bigger plans in mind for David than David could have ever imagined. Be careful that you do not think this moment is the end of God's story for you. He always has more in mind that we could ever imagine. Hold on for the ride! See what He is going to do.

New Testament Lesson

Acts 18:1-11

We see Paul once again be willing to go where the Spirit led Originally he planned on going to the synagogues and preaching there, but he was not received. So, he moved to plan B, going to where ever folks would receive the Word.

Sometimes we have to move to plan B. Sometimes things don't work as we may want them to, and in that, we have to be willing to listen. Listen to what the Lord says, and listen to where He leads. For, our plan B may be what He had in mind all along. Listen to Him, He will not lead you astray.

Gospel Lesson

Mark 8:11-21

Wherever we feel like we just won't ever get it, when we feel like we will never be what God wants us to be, when ever we feel discouraged or dismayed. Stop and look at the disciples. Bless their hearts. They just weren't getting it. They never full understood, they didn't fully listen, the always seemed to be a day late and dollar short.

And look what God did through them! If He can use them in amazing ways, can't He use us too? Just because we aren't perfect doesn't mean that God can't use us. It is through imperfect people like us that God can do His best work!

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