Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ordinary Time: Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Old Testament Lesson

1 Kings 1:38-2:4

One of the things we see in history is that within family leadership structures, be it monarchies, dictatorship, etc, a strong leader is quite often followed by a weak leader. David was the greatest king in Israels history. Solomon gets off to a good start and then it goes down hill. David offered him advice today on ruling. Follow God. Obey His commands. Do what is right. And Solomon does it for a while.

Then, he begins to think more of himself than he should, and he begins to get himself in trouble. He knows how smart he is, and he begins to follow his own wisdom instead of God. He forgets these basic instructions from his father. May we always keep our mind on those things that are most important, and may we hold to the wisdom of our parents and grandparents.

New Testament Lesson

Acts 26:24-27:8

We see that Paul's journey continues. He will be going to Rome, which was God's ultimate calling for him. Every step lead him to another step. Going to Jerusalem was the first step, then appearing before all these things. All of these things were leading to what God had for him in the end, to appear in Rome and preach the Gospel there.

What we are going through is part of God's plan for us. There is something great, something wonderful, something powerful that God wants to do with us. Don't lose sight of the prize at the end. Remember that today is not the last day. Know that God is not done with us yet. Each step in this was another part of the journey that God had for Paul. The same is true for us. Each step is another step in what God has for us.

Gospel Lesson

Mark 13:28-37

No one knows the hour or the date. Not me, not you, not Hal Lindsey, no one. Only God the Father. That is why we must stay awake. That is why we must be looking. Not just so that we can see His coming; but we must be awake so that each day we can see what He would have us to do. We must stay awake so that we can see where he would have us to go. We must stay awake so that we can see His mission for us.

Today, watch. Look. See where He is calling you. Then, follow.

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