Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ordinary Time: Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Old Testament Lesson

Ecclesiastes 2:16-26

We see the Teacher, as the writer of Ecclesiastes is often called, continue down the list of things that are just vanity. We see that toiling and work becomes vanity. We see that the enjoyment of the things in life become vanity.

Why are these things vanity? Because on their own, they have no eternal value. But, here is the thing that God does. Through God, instead of everything becoming vanity, everything becomes amazing. God breaths grace into everything of life. So, on its own, the things of life are simply that, the day to day, things of life. But, through Grace, we can see God's hand in the mundane things of life. Through grace, a simple meal can become a time of fellowship. Work can become a prayer of thanksgiving for health, and if not for health, then for endurance. Through God's grace, instead of everything becoming vanity, everything becomes amazing!

Today, may we see God's grace in our lives.

New Testament Lesson

Galatians 1:19-2:10

We see how Paul went to the early believers and said that God is called me to go to the Gentiles and preach the Gospel. After hearing Paul's words, the rest of the leaders of the church agreed and they sent Paul out to do the work God called him to do. Part of what we are called to do is to help one another out. We are supposed to encourage one another. We are supposed to pray for one another. We are supposed to strengthen one another. We are supposed to help each other find the thing that God has called us to do.

Today, God has called you to something. Something unique, something powerful, something only you can do. Today, know that He has place a calling upon you. And know that the church, the body of believers, the body of Christ, it is hear to help you find that calling, or to implement that calling. Today, be about what God has called you to! And know that your church will be there to strengthen, help, and pray for you.

Gospel Lesson

Matthew 13:53-58

This passage has one of the most powerful text in the Bible. It says that He did not do many miracles because of their lack of faith. Today, let us believe that God will work.

Do you believe that?

Do you believe in the core of your being, with all that you are, that God will work?

In your life?

In the life of your family?

In the life of your church?

Today, Jesus Christ wants to do an amazing thing in our lives, in our families, in our churches. May we have the faith to cling to whatever it is that He is going to do!

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