Monday, July 28, 2008

Ordinary Time: Monday, July 28, 2008

Old Testament Lesson

We see that the last thing Joshua did before he died was that he reminded the people of all that God had done for them, and that they must stay faithful to the Lord. They had entered into a new land. They had entered into a land of promise, but also a land of temptation. And Joshua  knew that he would not be their to guide them any longer. They would have to make decisions for themselves and choose to follow for themselves. 

So, he reminds them.  He has them promise.  He warns them of the dangers. But, then he leaves it in their hands.  Ultimately, the choice of obedience is up to them. They must make the choice, and only they can make it.  Each day of our lives, the choice is up to us. We can serve and be faithful, or we can do other things. Today, in this day, may we be faithful.  

New Testament Lesson

I love this final passage in Romans. Paul thanks all those who have been faithful and have helped him in his work. And the great thing about this list is that it is full of ordinary folk that loved God and tried to do right.  That is what make church possible, that is what makes the movement of the Holy Spirit possible; ordinary folk that simply love God and are willing to follow. 

Today, it's not about titles or positions or anything like that. It's simply about faithfulness.  Today, if we are willing to be faithful to God, then that's all that matters.  If we are faithful, God will take care of the rest. 

Gospel Lesson

PIlate, instead of doing what was right, did what was easy.  Instead of doing what he knew in his heart was the right thing, did what was the easy thing.  Instead of standing with strength and courage, he gave into the pressure that was all around him. 

Today, may we do what is right, not what is easy. And, let us remember that in doing what is right, it is God that will give us the strength, God that will give us the courage, and God that will give what it takes to do what He has called us to.  If He has called us to something, He will give us the grace and strength to do it! 

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