Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ordinary Time: Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Old Testament Lesson

This is that famous passage where God opens the mouth of the donkey and speaks to Balaam.  I've said before that if God can speak through Balaam's donkey, He can speak through anyone. And that really is true.  What God needs most of all is a person willing to be used by God.  If we are willing to be used, willing do what He commands, willing to spread His grace, He'll use us.  If He has the willingness, He'll take care of the rest. 

After all, if He spoke through Balaam's donkey, He can speak through us well.  

New Testament Lesson

Paul tells us today that our life doesn't come from following the Law or following a code, rather our life comes through the Spirit.  Now, the Spirit will compel us to do the things that God would have us to do and live in the way that God would have us to live. But, it is not the Law that gives life, it is not our actions that give life.  It is the Spirit. 

Today, may we live by the Spirit and have the life that comes through the Spirit. And, in living by the Spirit, we'll know what it truly means to follow God and we'll live in the way that God will have us to live. 

Gospel Lesson

Today, as Jesus tells the teachers of the law, life comes through belief in Him.  It is the one that believes in Him and is obedient; they are the ones that are following His commands.  It all starts with the heart. If our heart is right with Him, it will change our actions, our views of things, our very life.  It all starts with the heart.  It doesn't go backwards.  The heart changes the life. 

Today, may we make sure that our hearts are set upon Him.  And as our hearts are right with His heart, our lives will be lives He would have them to be.  

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