Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ordinary Time: Thursday, July 24, 2008

Old Testament Lesson

I always tell folks that my mama, when I was a child, would never promise to do anything.  She would say, I'll try, or we'll see.  When I got older I asked her why.  She said the one thing she didn't ever want to do was break a promise. That stuck with me to the point that today, I'm much the same.  I don't promise to do things. Because I don't want to break my word if it doesn't happen.  

We see in this passage the power of keeping your world. The people were tricked, but because they had given their word, they kept it. This shows the power of a promise, the power of our word. Today, no matter what field we may be in, may we understand the power of a promise, and the power of keeping our word.  

New Testament Lesson

Paul reminds us that Jesus came to build folks up, to serve, to make their lives better. And, we should do the same. We should be about encouragement.  We should not be about tearing others down.  We should be offering a hand up, not a put down. Today, in our words, in our actions, may we be the type of people that build one another up.  

Gospel Lesson

Two folks denied Jesus on Good Friday.  Judas and Peter.  The difference is that Peter, while denying Jesus, was able to ask, and receive forgiveness.  Judas never did. Today, we will make mistakes. We will all do the wrong thing.  That's part of being human. 

But, when we do, may we have the grace to admit our mistakes and ask forgiveness.  And then, may we have the grace to accept forgiveness from God, and for others. 

And, since we have been forgiven so much, may we forgive one another for the mistakes that we all make.  

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