Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ordinary Time: Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Old Testament Lesson

The Israelites had wandered for 40 years. They may have begun to think that things would never change; that they would always remain as they were. But, God knew better.  He had a different plan.  He knew that the time would come for the people to take the land that He had promised.  He knew that a time for change was here.  

Things don't always stay as they are.  Sometimes we can get depressed or defeated, saying things will never change.  That is not true.  God is not done with us yet.  Even if we've been in the desert for 40 years, He's not done with us yet.  Don't give up!  Things will change!  God is at work!  Hold fast, He isn't done yet!  

New Testament Lesson

Paul today writes that God's mercy is not based upon the one receiving mercy, but is based upon God. We can't earn God's mercy and grace, it is freely given to all.  He didn't choose Israel because they were perfect, in fact, He may have chosen them because their imperfections would show He strength.  

Likewise today, His grace to us is not based upon us, but upon Him.  Today, in He loves in spite of our mistakes. We rest not upon our works, but  upon His grace.  Today, remember its because of Him; not us!  

Gospel Lesson

In this passage we read the pain that Jesus felt when the people would not come to Him.  He longed to love the people, to restore the people, to give them mercy and grace, but they would not come.  Now, He is heartbroken because of their refusal.  

Today, He longs for us to turn to Him.  To find peace. To find strength.  To find mercy.  To find life.  He longs for us to turn and receive grace. Today, may we turn to our Lord in all of life's situations.  

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