Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ordinary Time: Thursday, June 18, 2009

Old Testament Lesson

One of the lessons of Scripture is the notion that we each must make decisions for ourselves and be accountable for those decisions. In spite of being from the priestly line, Eli and his children will be cut off, because of the decisions and choices made.

From this story, we also see that the decisions we make, they affect others. Eli will suffer because of the choices and actions of his sons. The things we do, they way we live, the words we say, each of these things affects others.

May we live with understanding, and may we live an awareness of the effects of our decisions.

New Testament Lesson

One of the things Peter does at Pentecost is he walks the people through God's plan for salvation. And this plan, it wasn't always know or seen. God was doing more behind the scenes than anyone saw at the time. It was only in hindsight the people were fully aware of what God was doing. God is always at work. He is always doing great things. In our lives, and in the world. We don't always know. We don't always see. But, He is at work. Trust Him. He is doing more than we could ever imagine.

Gospel Lesson

God wants the heart. The widow, she had nothing. And yet she still gave. Whatever you have, big or small, great in your eyes or weak in your eyes, if you give it God, He can do great things. In God's eyes, its not about the power or the money or the fame or anything. It's about the heart. Great or small, famous or infamous, when given from the heart, God does great things in our midst.

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