One of the reminders in the Bible is this; it will not always be like it is now. We are surrounded by pain and death and sin. We are surrounded by tragedy. We are surrounded by things that we can't fully understand. This is part of our experience on Earth.
It will not always be like this. God is at work, and He is restoring the damage done to us and to creation, by sin. There will be a day when there will be no more pain or death or suffering. There will be a day when the old things will pass away and there will be new life. God will restore things; make them like they ought to be and were created to be. God will do this. Let us stay strong, and keep our hope. Knowing that God is not done.
New Testament Lesson
Paul reminds us what a great gift we have in Holy Scripture. Paul reminds us what a great thing it is that God has shown us and revealed to us. Through the Bible, we learn about God's mercy and grace, and who He is and who we are called to be.
But, as we study scripture, let us be reminded that the Bible is not just a collection of fact, or of doctrine, or of any of these things. Through reading it, studying it, praying over it, we are led to a deeper walk with God. That, in the end, is the greatest gift of Scripture. Through it, our faith grows, our hope grows, our walk with God grows.
Gospel Lesson
Jesus tells us today not to be worried about the things that culture is consume by; money, power, clothes, things such as that. Jesus tells us to seek first the kingdom of God. Seek first Him. And, if we seek first the kingdom of God, all the things that we need will be added. If we focus first on what matters, when we will find that we have all that we need, and will find the life that we need. In Him.
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